Art Party Pin-Up Book
The Marvel Art Party is sharing our love of vintage and modern pin-ups, for a great cause.
Book Sales
Thank you for your interest! The Pin-Up Book store is now closed.Once all our donations are to Doctors Without Borders are added up, we'll announce how much this fundraiser achieved!
The Marvel Art Party, a Discord server for fan artists, has created a pin-up art-book fundraiser. Nearly 40 fan artists contributed their time and skills (and love of pinups), to create a fantastic collection of Marvel pin-ups.All net proceeds will be donated to Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF).
Hard cover, high quality art book
Dimensions: 8.5in x 11in (22cm x 28cm)
Also available digitally, in PDF form
Over 50 pin-ups of a wide variety of Marvel characters! Includes characters from comic and movie/TV universes
Artist Spotlights: Get to know our artists and get a sneak peek at some of the pinups!
A little sneak preview: